Why become a member?
Bilbys are a friendly and welcoming club suitable for all ages and abilities. Members of the Bilbys join the club for a range of different reasons; whether it be to train with a squad at the pool, be a part of the group bike rides, receive expert coaching from our Level 1 and 2 Triathlon Coaches, to lose weight, improve general health and lifestyle, enjoy the social aspect of being part of a team or club. Whatever your motives the Bilbys will endeavour to help you achieve your goals.
The Bilbys Triathlon Club and is affiliated with Triathlon ACT and Triathlon Australia, and has a membership base of around 300 like-minded individuals. Membership of Triathlon Australia is a complusory part of Bilbys membership.
To learn more about the club we recommend coming along to a Tuesday running track session (see Training Schedule). It is the easiest way to learn more about the sport and meet some of the members of the club.
Bilbys Membership
We have now combined with the Triathlon Australia membership process so that you can sign up for both your TA and Bilbys membership in a single transaction. You will then receive a TA membership card that lists Bilbys as your chosen club. This card will be your membership card for both TA and Bilbys and your membership for both will run from 1 July to 30 June each year.
To renew your Bilbys membership, please go to the Join page of the AusTriathlon website and follow the prompts.
Please note this method is now the only method you will be able to use to join Bilbys or to renew your Bilbys membership as we can no longer accept memberships on our website or through the old paper form. With the TA membership component, you have the choice of a $150 competing licence or a $10 non-competing licence. Note that the non-competing Triathlon ACT licence does not allow you to race in triathlon and does not offer insurance for you or anyone you may injure in training.​
When joining the Bllbys Triathlon club, you gain access to numerous member benefits. These include:
Access to accredited Level 0, 1 and 2 Triathlon Coaches;
Group training sessions;
Friendly club people to train and socialise with;
Cost price Bilbys triathlon clothing and accessories;
Access to advertise items on our Facebook page and newsletter
Access to the Bilbys Club Tent on race day;
Access to organised race trips, social functions and training weekends;
Reciprocal rights at interstate and international clubs;
A free club T-shirt, running cap or cycling socks for each new membership or membership renewal;
Access to hire club wind trainers and bike bags/boxes;
Benefits from our generous sponsors
Adult: $35 plus either $10 (non-competing) or $150 (competing) Triathlon Australia membership
Junior (under 20 years): $20.00 plus either $10 (non-competing) or $123 (competing) Triathlon Australia membership
Our memberships run from 1 July to 30 June.