New to triathlons? Returning to former glory? Never entered a race before?
Everyone is welcome!
The Canberra Bilby’s Triathlon Club offers a great introduction into the sport of triathlon through its annual Novice Program. The Bilby’s Novice Program has been running since 2000. Since its inception, approximately 50-80 novices each year have become triathletes.
The novice program caters for all levels of abilities and goals, from people who have no idea about triathlons and may not have ridden a bike for 30 years, all the way through to people who are competitive runners, swimmers or cyclists looking for a new challenge.
The program comprises of 10 weeks of training sessions in running, swimming and cycling designed to increase your fitness and improve your performance. The program also provides information sessions on various aspects related to the sport of triathlon, and finishes with your first novice distance triathlon race. The cost also includes a Novice distance race in December 2024.
The program is open to all people over the age of 18.
Information night!
6pm - Wednesday 2 October 2024
Yowani Golf Club, Northbourne Avenue, Canberra
Click here for the 2024 Information Booklet
Email novicebilbys@gmail.com for any questions
Program start date!
Tuesday, 8 October 2024
We'll be running a 10 week program this year with the first race on 1 December 2024. Whether you want to meet people, get fit or start doing some serious triathlons, this program is for you. We're just working on some final bookings and expect to have all the information finalised very soon.